Distance, Speed and Time

Calculations involving distance, speed and time are easy to visualise in an outdoor setting mainly because of the scale. Walking, running or thrown objects are used to demonstrate the link between these measurements.


  • Are you aware of the relationship between Distance, Speed and Time? 
  • Can you arrange the equation to perform the calculations required in science and maths? 
  • Are you able to estimate the effects of changing a single aspect on the outcomes? 
  • Do you know how fast you can run, throw or shoot an arrow? 
  • Do you understand relative speed?


Calculations involving Distance, Speed and Time are central to the Physics syllabus at Key Stage 3, ISEB 13+ and GCSE in both Combined and pure Physics. This session will explore this relationship in a way that makes the connection clear and intuitive. There will be exercises that:

  • collect data
  • opportunities for the students to process this data in line with the typical question styles at each level of study. 
  • using Orienteering as a tool it is also possible to model the behaviour of light using ideas of Optical Density.
Students will have the opportunity to make judgements for themselves, reassess and try again. This will ensure that they not only have the success in the task that they require but also apply the aspects of their knowledge to a practical task.

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